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Our products in combination with HMOs, found in breast milk & in some formulas, help to unlock the massive potential of the infant gut microbiome to build a foundation for better health.

Understanding breast milk led us to discover the power of its synergy with B. infantis EVC001, the single strain in our Evivo products.

Evivo Powder

Sorry, Evivo Powder is no longer available for purchase here because we are transitioning to the new Drops product.

Try our Drops product with the same amazing Evivo EVC001 or to inquire about powder email

Evivo Drops + Vitamin D

A daily drops probiotic that contains B. infantis EVC001, a live strain of good bacteria baby needs to establish a healthy gut & immune system +  Vitamin D essential for healthy bones.

Dr. Deanne Miller of Thrive Pediatrics

"Thrive Pediatrics recommends Evivo to all their newborn breastfeeding infants. We know the importance of establishing a healthy gut from day one to help infants absorb all of the wonderful nutrients found in breastmilk. We have noticed that infants at our practice that are fed Evivo have less instances of gas, fussiness, and colic related symptoms. We believe in the importance of gut health and partnering with Evivo has helped our babies THRIVE."

Dr. Deanne Miller
Thrive Pediatrics

Bailey Aulenbach, sleep consultant

"I've been giving my newborn baby Evivo for 2 months straight and have noticed a significant improvement in her skin, bowel movements, and sleep schedule. I was so satisfied with the results that I started giving my toddler and 5-year-old Evivo too. I feel confident knowing that their gut bacteria are healthy! As a sleep consultant, I highly recommend Evivo for every new parent!"

Bailey Aulenbach
Sleep Consulant

Monika Resenauer, Developmental Nurse Practitioner

"Working with infants post discharge, prioritizing gut health is paramount. It affects not only our babies’ growth trajectory and immunity but also helps babies regulate themselves and establish those beautiful sleep cycles we are always striving for. Evivo has helped many of my patients do just that, tolerate their feeds, sleep better, and meet their highest potential."

Monika Resenauer DNP, NNP-BC
Developmental Nurse Practitioner

 Albert Antonio, Neonatologist

"Evivo and its role in supporting the infant gut microbiome is an example of thoughtfully harnessing the synergy between nature and our best understanding of the developing infant immune system to help support the growth of all babies."

Albert Antonio, DO

Parent Testimonials

This was life-changing for us

My poor baby had such bad colic, always uncomfortable and unsettled. Within 4 days of regular use everything changed. My baby is finally a happy baby! Additionally, his sleep schedule is much more regular and I’m getting a nice stretch of sleep! My baby doesn’t always love taking it with the dropper but it’s worth it, if I could go back my only change would be to take this sooner!

Tiffany O.

Everything we wanted... and more!

My baby was delivered via c-section and after dealing with multiple issues, including severe reflux, thrush, etc, we were desperate to find a probiotic that could give our baby the peace she needed... and we found that in Evivo! We saw a difference within two weeks, and now at 4 months, our baby girl is shining! Bye bye throw-ups after every feed, so long thrush... and helloooo strong, healthy, warrior child! Thank you, Evivo, for providing such a life-changing, quality product... our baby girl is shining because of you!

Jamie S.
United States

Life changing

I can’t recommend Evivo enough! My baby was pooping 8-12 times a day and in terrible pain each time. He was gassy and fussy all day. It was taking all the joy out of being a new mom! Within 3 days of starting Evivo we started to see changes. Our baby was happier, had 3-4 stools a day, less gas, and he even slept better. This was a life changer for us! I recommend Evivo to all my friends with new babies and can’t thank the company enough for making this product. So, so happy my baby is no longer in pain and we can enjoy life together!

Hannah L.

Evivo for the win!

These little miracle packets cured my son's colic. Now his gas passes easily, his bowel movements are under control, and thankfully (knock on wood) he has not gotten sick as of yet despite every other person in the house being ill. I’m forever thankful for this product and am about to reorder. If you’re on the fence just order! You’ll be happy you did.

Kacie W.

Miracle product

At 9 days old our newborn had a fever and was in the hospital for 3 days with a high dose of antibiotic. He already was fussy but he was miserable with a constant upset stomach and the worst diaper rash I have ever seen. We tried every cream and after doing some research we found Evivo. I tried a probiotic at Target that did nothing for the problem. After hours of screaming one night, we made the first purchase of Evivo. After a week the rash was almost gone and after 2 weeks he did not have colic or upset stomach. He went from pooping every hour to once every other day. We love Evivo and have recommended it to many friends.

Michael B.

Complete game changer

Wow- I cannot recommend Evivo enough. It was a complete game changer for our baby who has had digestive issues since she was born. We tried 3 other pro/pre biotics before giving Evivo a try and although some of those helped, none worked like Evivo. One thing to note- it didn't kick in automatically for us. In fact the first 3 days baby was very fussy, so much so I almost stopped the drops thinking she was allergic to them. After talking to the support line and a doctor, I learned it was her body clearing out her system and gave it one more day. Absolute game changer. She started nursing better, sleeping better, and was overall a happier baby. Thank you Evivo!!

Brianne H.

Finally we can relax

We feel safe with Evivo. Our preemie was delivered via emergency c-section and spent 2 weeks on antibiotics. Evivo has truly helped this baby’s wrecked guts and we believe it’s continuing to do so. We feel good about that.

Julia F.

No more bloody stools, and no more crazy elimination diet!

My LO had bloody stools with gross blood every day since 3 weeks old, with no other symptoms - happy baby with healthy weight gain. The pediatrician suspected food protein intolerance and told me to eliminate problematic foods from my diet. By 3 months old, I was on a crazy elimination diet of no dairy, soy, egg, wheat, peanut, coconut, fish, shellfish, oats, rice, peppers, and all seasonings besides salt - still, nothing improved her situation. I was referred to a pediatric GI specialist who conducts probiotic research by my coworker, who recommended Evivo, as it contains the Bifidobacterium for populating the large intestine where she was showing inflammation. The change was obvious after only 2 days! No more blood and I've been able to slowly add all the foods back into my diet within 2 months!

Yaya L.

Love love love Evivo

My experience using Evivo was overall amazing! As a new mom, I didn’t know how to help my little one. Then I was introduced to Evivo! I was leary at first, but I could notice a huge difference with my baby girl. I recommend Evivo and mention it to all the mommas I know! Thank you, Evivo, you have been a lifesaver!

Malynda W.
West Virginia

Great product

Wonderful experience. My daughter was born extremely early 3 months to be exact and has had terrible gut issues she is now 8 months old and we have been using evivo since the start when our nicu doctor reccomended it to us and it's been a life changer!

Ashley R.

Miracle worker

When we got our baby home after 6 weeks it was clear that he was very colicky and not sleeping more than 1 hour stretches a night and nothing would soothe him. We started using Evivo a few weeks ago and we are already up to 6 hours a night in one stretch. It’s clear he is much more comfortable and happy!! Thank you!

Catherine Hedman


So helpful!

My daughter ended up being in the hospital after she was born because she had fluid in her lungs which turned into pneumonia. She was put on a 5-day course of antibiotics. We brought her home and we knew she needed a good probiotic. We started using Evivo and she was less gassy and slept longer. We could tell her stomach was less bloated and she had less discomfort. She also started having a bowel movement at least once a day. Huge difference from when we originally brought her home. Highly recommend.

Kathleen Z.
New York

Worth every penny!

As a microbiome scientist, I have known about Evivo for the past 2 years and have been impressed with the strength of the scientific evidence behind it. I purchased it for my daughter prior to her birth and she started taking it at 5 days old. She spent 2 days after her birth in the hospital and received 2 doses of IV antibiotics, so I worried this would wipe out any good bugs she received during vaginal delivery. However, now she is a very happy and healthy, minimally fussy baby, and I imagine Evivo helped with that! She regained her birth weight within a week of taking it. Proper establishment of the gut microbiome is critical to proper immune system education and development and Evivo has strong evidence that it does this, especially in breastfed babies. The investment in my daughter's future health is well worth the price!

Dana Walsh

Individual results may vary. Evivo is intended for infants consuming some HMO in their diet. If you have questions concerning your baby's health i.e allergies, immunocompromised, please consult with your physician before use.

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